Tim Ferriss’ micro management carries more impact

I think I find Tim Ferris more relevant when it comes to how to manage the details.” says “4 hour workweek??? is for those who don’t love what they do : Rashmi Sinha’s weblog

Let the bad things happen

Oftentimes, in order to do the big things, you have to let the small bad things happen. This is a skill we want to cultivate.” echoes this blog at Educational Technology and Life » Blog Archive » Link: The Art of Letting Bad Things Happen (and Weapons of Mass Distraction)

Geek Celeb show!

So many happening geeks, and all of them at once. Overwhelming. Look at San Francisco is Rich with Geek Celebrities– bub.blicio.us

Social media to save the world.

Social media opens up possibilities like never before. In one click , you can donate money, spread a message, reach thousands of people and assist those who need help. This blog sums it up very well with regard to Tim Ferriss Lit Liberation project. Read it at Can Social Media Save the World? » The Buzz Bin

On Tim Ferriss and LitLiberation

Tim Ferriss’s goal to gather $1 million to fund a school in Vietnam is now widely known. There are links that lead to the cause at Tim Ferriss Takes on Literacy and Education : [chrisbrogan.com]

What is the real problem with productivity?

Time management is all about taking action, not just about sitting and mulling over time plans. See blog Smooth Harold | The Blog of Blake Snow: The problem with productivity

4hww book review

The author starts off saying the 4hww is interesting as well as an easy read. Moving forward he explains the concepts, DEAL and more at Networking Insight: Book Review: The 4-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferriss

Insights and tools for living and working from anywhere

Tim Ferriss with ‘The 4 hour work week’ and Lea Woodward “X Marks The Spot: The Indispensable Guide To Living As a LIP And Working From Anywhere??? offer insights on Location Independent Living and better living by abandoning the deferred life plan. The author, a social media producer finds both inspiring and plans to adopt them soon at Living and Working from Anywhere – 24/7 with Ronald Lewis

The new wave of idleness

Are people giving up money for relaxation? Interesting thoughts at Virtual Economics: In praise of idleness

A mini 4hww

Long and detailed, this is the mini version of 4hww at The 4 Hour Workweek: Questions and Actions about Time Management « Corrie Haffly

Blog on internet warfare

How could office habits and expectations be the same as fifty years before even after the advent of computers? More such intriguing thoughts at RyanHoliday.net: The Ryan Holiday Blog

On the big picture

“it’s the big-picture generalists who will predict, innovate, and rise to power fastest??? Catch this blog at Links for 20 October 2007 | Life Optimizer

Tim Ferriss tips on 4hww

The key tips from 4hww available at Our 4-Hour Workweek: 4-Hour Workweek Tips From Tim Ferriss

Is 4hww achievable?

There are firm believers in 4hww and there are those who wonder if its possible. I feel the non-believers do not know the 4hww fully and hence are not motivated. All one needs to do is to get to know the book fully before drawing conclusions.
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Take a direct shot at fans

Very informative post on atrracting fans directly at Radiohead, The 4-Hour Work Week and the Importance of Raving Fans | Copyblogger

4hww, a popular business book

A number of secrets for living in the now compiled under 4hww make it a compelling best seller. Find more such books at Gr8riches – Making Money Online » Blog Archive » The Most Popular Business Books … Tony Coen

On the Newly Rich

Cool blog on the Newly Rich at Jed Wood Interview – TheNewlyRich.com

Doing Important Things Effeciently

Doing the most important things efficiently is what really matters. DoWhat!?: Scorched Oatmeal Life Lesson makes good reading.

Meaningful concepts well applied

Julian found every 4hww concept highly meaningful and has been working his way up in life applying the same. Know more about him at The 4-Hour Workweek — EXCELER8ion | People ARE The Social Media

Efficiency vs effectiveness

Favoring agile practices, Chris Spagnuolo says – By constantly reflecting on our practices and adapting them as necessary, we identify our inefficiencies and eliminate them. By the same means we discover our strengths and exploit them to become even more efficient and effective. Read more on Efficiency vs Effectiveness at
Chris Spagnuolo’s GeoScrum! – Effectiveness vs. Efficiency